Study Visits to Euroguidance Ireland

NCGE / Euroguidance Ireland host regular study visits with the aim of supporting the sharing of best practice in guidance among guidance practitioners and other relevant professionals.
Click on the sections below for more details.

Postponed tfn

Guidance in preventing drop out in Ireland - A look at the systems in place to support students at risk of drop out.

Location: National Centre for Guidance in Education (NCGE)

Host: NCGE / Euroguidance Ireland

Date(s): 28/04/2020 - 01/05/2020


Vacancies: FULL


  • To receive an overview of Guidance systems in Ireland, and how they support all young people in Post Primary and VET settings.
  • To become familiar with the Whole School approach to Guidance at Post Primary level in Ireland.
  • To gain knowledge of the different and innovative programmes of support that exist to prevent drop out in the Irish context.
  • To become familiar with the alternative settings for education and training in Ireland, and how they play a role in preventing drop out.
  • To gain an insight into the training of Guidance Counsellors in an Irish University.
  • To encourage professional discussions and the sharing of ideas across the Guidance community.
  • To extend the professional network of Guidance professionals.
  • To provide continued professional development for Guidance Counsellors


During this 4-day programme we will give participants the opportunity to explore current good practices in engaging young people in education and preventing drop out in Ireland.

NCGE Euroguidance will do this in cooperation with stakeholders in Post Primary, VET and University settings.

The programme will include site visits, lectures, discussions, workshops and sharing of experiences between participants.

In the spirit of collaboration, during the programme all participants will be invited to introduce experiences and ideas from their respective countries. 

For more see -

13 – 15 June 2018, Dublin / Maynooth, Ireland



In order to share information and good practices in higher education guidance, Euroguidance Croatia organised a study visit in cooperation with partners in Ireland on the topic of Career Counselling in Higher Education: Developing Students’ Career Management Skills. Participants for the study visit were selected through an open call which was launched in mid-April 2018 and aimed at staff employed in career deelopment centres of different Croatian higher education institutions.

The main objectives of this study visit were to:

  • Provide an overview of educational guidance in Ireland
  • Present guidance services, tools and resources for students in Irish higher edurcation institutions
  • Present opportunities for cooperation between the academic and business sector, and other relevant stakeholders
  • Provide a networking opportunity between guidance practitonrs from Ireland and Croatia

Partners in Ireland:       

  • National Centre for Guidance in Education / Euroguidance Ireland
  • University College Dublin Career Development Centre
  • Maynooth University Career Development Centre
  • Gradireland

Study visit participants:

Mia Trcol, Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes / Euroguidance Croatia

5 – 7 Careers advisers from career development centres - higher education institutions in Croatia 

For the agenda please click HERE

For topics of interested related to the visit click HERE

This 3 day visit hosted in the Euroguidance Centre, Ireland, explored strategic planning in guidance and the resources needed to support guidance practice.

Yordanka Dimitrova - Euroguidance expert
Kalin Baichev - Euroguidance  expert
Nadezda Radkova - Career Consultant
Kirilka Nenkova - University Career Consultant
Mia Trcol - Euroguidance Coordinator / Expert Assistant
Pieter Kenis - Guidance staff member - Secondary School Level
Dorien Jansen - Guidance staff member - Student Affairs – University Level
Claudia Silvestroni - Guidance Counsellor
Klaus Münstermann - Guidance Counsellor
Ms Agnese Megne- Guidance Counsellor 
Rick Cowling - Manager 'Shine' Guidance Service to schools
Jana Beničáková - Expert Advisor in the National Youth Information Centre

Visit Schedule:
DAY 1 - Introduction to the guidance system in Ireland and post primary delivery - NCGE and a site visit to Tallaght Communty School, Dublin
DAY 2 - Presentation from Europass / NARIC Ireland, planning for guidance in FET - NCGE and site visit to Loughlinstown Training Centre, Dublin
DAY 3 - Implementing quality guidelines in guidance - NCGE, presentations by participants on guidance systems in their own countries and reflections on learnings.


Reflective Exercises:

NCGE/Euroguidance Ireland recently hosted a study visit to Ireland for members of the Placement and Career Guidance Unit (PCGU) of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

The group comprised of nine Palestinian guidance counsellors, registrars and school principals from Lebanon.
Guidance counselling services for young Palestinian refugees in Lebanon is still very much in its infancy. In 2010 UNRWA Lebanon Field Office adopted a new strategy for the PCGU to provide qualitative career guidance for students at various key stages and points of transition. However, there is a shortage of guidance provision in schools and even where provision is available, Palestinian students have limited access to the service.

The visiting group work in UNRWA schools in the various camps in Lebanon as guidance counsellors, registrars and school principals.
The purpose of this study visit to Dublin was to allow for a sharing of policy and best practice, the learning from which would inform future guidance provision.
Various presentations and workshops were delivered, from DES; NCGE; QQI; JCT (Wellbeing), DCU, TY Ireland and CareersPortal.
The study visit also included site visits to a number of second-level schools;
An adult education and training centre and two Universities - DCU and Maynooth University.