
Euro-Quest is a free online, classroom based resource for use with Transition Year students in Ireland.

It is accompanied by a Student Workbook and Whole School Guidebook.

Euro-Quest is comprised of 4 x modules:

Module1 – An overview of the European Union and an exploration of what it means to be an EU citizen, including the right to travel, study and work in other EU member states

Module 2 – An exploration of opportunities to study abroad – including Erasmus+, undergraduate studies in European universities (including courses taught through English) and the availability of funding supports

Module 3 – Preparation for a period of learning mobility - understanding culture and diversity, tips for studying abroad including making friends, dealing with homesickness and language acquisition

Module 4 - Students are invited to complete a Careers Interest Assessment and research courses which interest them. Students are encouraged to research potential destinations, gathering information on the educational and cultural settings in different countries; individually or in groups - and present their findings

This programme is designed to be integrated into the TY curriculum through Guidance and to link with other subjects with Europe as the common theme.



The delivery of the Euro-Quest programme requires that a member of school staff (ideally a Guidance Counsellor or TY Coordinator) assume the role of 'Euro-Quest Leader'.
In support of students, the Euro-Quest Leader will register and access a unique (Leader) course page and has responsibility for the following:

  • the in-school coordination of delivery (across departments / subject areas - where required)
  • for the purposes of feedback and evaluation - the completion of pre and post delivery questionnaires
  • to be the main point of contact between NCGE/Euroguidance Ireland in relation to programme delivery

If you wish to enrol as your schools leader, and begin your school's Euro-Quest journey, please follow the steps outlined below. Details in relation to additional teaching staff enrolment can be found in the General FAQ section further down this page.


Go to

  • Click ‘Register / Enrol’
  • Select the enrolee type of 'Euro-Quest Leader' from the drop down list displayed
  • Enter the form details requested
  • Create a password (in the required format indicated) - please make sure you note this somewhere
  • Input your ‘School Roll Number’ - this will be validated against an internal database and on further clicking the empty box the website will then display your schools name
  • Check name is correct and click SAVE
You will then receive an automated e-mail from Euro-Quest advising that your registration is being reviewed.
(If you do not immediately see this, please check your ‘junk’ or ‘spam’ folder(s))

NCGE/Euroguidance Ireland will contact you within 72hrs regarding the status of your enrolment and provide further information on the coordination of delivery.

If you any questions regarding your enrolment please e-mail

Click on the link below to download a short guide for Guidance Counsellors / Teaching Staff
This is the introduction provided to the Staff 'Whole School Guidebook' accompanying the resource.


All details regarding student enrolment are contained on under ‘How do I start?’

For additional information relating to student delivery consult the additional ‘Teacher Resources’ section on the Teachers / Leaders course page.
No student is to be encouraged to enrol on the course until all relevant school support staff have gained access and been allowed enough time to prepare for delivery.

You can download an additional editable template (word document) that you can issue to students with enrolment instructions below.

Click on the link below to download a word document that can be edited and forwarded to your students.

Enroling Students

If you have any queries in relation to this resource please:


+353 1 8690715


How does my school get access to Euro-Quest ?

Click the 'ENROL your School on Euro-Quest' section below.

In each school delivering the resource one staff member is required to act as the ‘Euro-Quest LEADER’.
This function will ideally be performed by the Guidance Counsellor or TY Coordinator but can also be a subject teacher in the school.

I enrolled on but I haven't heard anything more?

On initial enrolment you SHOULD receive an automated e-mail from advising you that your enrolment is being reviewed.

It can be the case that certain automated communicatiions get classed by e-mail clients as junk / spam. 
Please check your junk / spam mailboxes and / or e-mail and we will investigate for you.

How do I get other school staff members involved?

If you have a 'LEADER' in place (see above) and it is your intention to deliver Euro-Quest collaboratively (for example the Guidance Counsellor linking with the Transition Year Coordinator or with a team of subject teachers) just request that any additional staff members involved in delivery in your school register to access the resource.They are to do so by going to clicking ‘Register / Enrol' and selecting the enrolee type of ‘TEACHER’ from the drop down list displayed.

NCGE/Euroguidance Ireland will contact the additional teacher(s) in your school regarding the status of their enrolment and provide further information on the coordination of delivery with the school 'LEADER'

What do Guidance Counsellors and Teachers say so far about Euro-Quest?

'Everything was excellent...its vital that the person delivering it prepares well in advance'

'Very user friendly..opportunity for students to think about local area from the view of point of our foreign students'

I really enjoyed teaching this course I found all the separate modules very interactive and engaging. I particularly enjoyed module three'

'I think the programme is excellent and the workbook / teacher guidebook included a huge amount of material which is really useful for me to have and i am very appreciative of having'

I feel the videos and experiences in the stories were excellent and a wider range of people would give a greater insight for the students to see'

What do Students say so far about Euro-Quest?


'Guidance Matters' - May 2020

I haven't yet received my 'Pack'?

Every LEADER and TEACHER successfully enrolled on the course are entitled to a free ‘pack’ containing a hard copy of both the Student Workbook and Whole School Guidebook.


Is the resource available in Irish?

Ós rud é nach bhfuil an acmhainn ach díreach curtha i gcrích i mBéarla, táthar ag súil go mbeidh athruithe agus oiriúnaithe breise ag teastáil gan amhras de réir mar a fhaighimid aiseolas ‘beo’ ó Bhaill Foirne agus ó Mhic Léinn sna míosa atá amach romhainn. Éilíonn aon athruithe breise den sórt sin - laistigh de dhá leaganacha teangan go comhuaineach agus thar chineálacha ábhair ar líne agus as líne - acmhainní nach bhfuil ar fáil faoi láthair ag an LNTO.Tá sé i gceist go bhforbrófaí leagan Gaeilge chomh luath is atá tástáil leordhóthanach déanta ar Euro-Quest sa timpeallacht bheo agus dóthain acmhainní in ionad chun é seo a ghníomhachtú agus a bhainistiú.

Má tá aon cheisteanna agat maidir leis an gclár Euro-Quest nó maidir le clárú / rollú, seol ríomhphost chuig  nó cuir glaoch ar +353 1 8690715 le do thoil.

Eanáir 2021 - Tá na Leabhair Shaothair mhodúlacha Euro-Quest do Dhaltaí ar fáil anois (i bhformáid word) i nGaeilge.
Más mian leat iad seo a úsáid le daltaí, déan iad a íoslódáil agus a roinnt leo trí rochtain a fháil ar an gcuid a bhaineann le 'Acmhainní Teagaisc' ar DO leathanach cúrsa.
Níl siad ar fáil go díreach do dhaltaí ar A leathanach cúrsa.

Is féidir leat rochtain a fháil orthu ANSEO

This was something that NCGE / Euroguidance Ireland have always been considerate of.

As the resource is only recently finalised in English it is expected that there will no doubt be additional changes and adaptations required as we receive ‘live’ Staff and Student feedback over the coming months. The incorporation of any such further changes - within two language versions in parallel and across online and offline content types - requires resources that NCGE do not currently have available. It is intended that an Irish version will be developed once Euro-Quest has been sufficiently tested in the live environment and enough resources are in place to activate and manage this.

2021 - The modularised Euro-Quest Student Workbooks are now available (in word format) in Irish.
If you wish to use these with students please download and share with them through accessing the 'Teaching Resources' section on YOUR course page.
They are not available directly to students on THEIR course page.

You can also access them HERE

How can students use the 'editable' WORKBOOKS?

All modulairsed WORKBOOKS are available to students on their course page and are editable; with spaces displayed where students can type into the documents directly.

Each student will need to first download a copy of each Module Workbook in a chosen format (Word / PDF)

The Student modularised (and full) WORBOOKS are uploaded to the 'Teacher Resources' section of the Teacher Course on and can be accessed by students directly from their course page(s).
You can also access them at -

1. Using WORD versions

Students and Teachers may find it easier to access, share and complete the Word versions.

2. Using PDF versions

A - Students can download the relevant PDF(s) and open utilising the 'Adobe Acrobat' software.
Completion can take place within Adobe Acrobat and the individual student file(s) then continued to be saved locally to the device being used or to a shared drive space.
(**Please see note below in relation to Google Drive**)

Dependent on Adobe software being available.

B - Students can open, complete and save the PDF(s) using an internet browser.
Further instructions on accessing and completing through the 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' (also applicable to 'Microsoft Edge') and 'Google Chrome' web browsesr can be seen in the videos below.
Dependent on browser software being available / accessible.

Click on the 'airplane' icon top right to obtain a link for the videos that can be shared directly with students if required.

Please note - by default these PDFs cannot be edited within Google Drive*

Students can upload completed versions to a Google Drive space for your review, however if these are not complete, i.e. there is outstanding content to be entered, the student will have to again first save 'locally' and then re upload to the drive space each time additional completed content is due to be submitted.

*It is possible to enable the completion of PDFs within Google Drive through the installation of 3rd party plug ins.
If you are confident in managing this installation and have permission to access and install you can find more information online (recommendated search term - 'fill pdf within Google Drive')

'Pop up Windows' wont display for me?

To support LEADER and TEACHER delivery in a group context, the online Modules play as ‘pop up’ windows. This allows for the expansion of these elements to ‘full screen’.
Some schools have submitted a technical query in relation to ‘pop ups’ not displaying on the course pages (for LEADERS and TEACHERS).
The below PDF document will hopefully assist in addressing this issue (if it arises for you).

Enabling 'pop ups'

This has also been uploaded to the ‘Additional Resources’ folder under the ‘Teaching Resource’s tab on the course page.
The module display settings for STUDENTS has been deliberately set so that all modules play within the same window, this means STUDENTS will not experience any issue in relation to pop up requests.



Euro-Quest aims to:

  • develop an awareness of the benefits of European citizenship
  • develop an awareness of the benefits of studying abroad for a period
  • motivate students to consider a period of study in Europe
  • foster positive attitudes towards other cultures and foster positive cultural exchanges
  • develop research skills that will enable students to explore both career opportunities and study abroad opportunities
  • inform students of the opportunities for studying / training and working in Europe before they make their subject choices for Leaving Certificate and consider their future career plan

Learning outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • demonstrate knowledge of Europe and the European Union
  • demonstrate an ability to research career and study abroad opportunities
  • show an appreciation of the cultural diversity that is inherent to Europe
  • reflect on personal attributes and strengths the possess
  • identify careers that might suit them
  • demonstrate key skills in information processing and evaluating online resources in order to identity appropriate opportunities
  • demonstrate key skills in researching, communication and presenting future aspirations

Euro-Quest can be delivered by the Guidance Counsellor, in collaboration with the TY Coordinator, or as part of a team of teachers who work together; with Europe as a cross-curricular theme. In this way, the programme operates within the context of the Whole School Guidance Framework, with the learning outcomes of the programme designed in line with the Guidance Outcomes of the Framework and the NCCA guidelines for module delivery.


As host of the Euroguidance centre Ireland; NCGE/Euroguidance Ireland completed a pilot programme with 15 schools of the ‘Euro-Quest’ classroom resource.

View Pilot Report

Autumn 2020 Webinar Series

As part of the Autumn 2020 NCGE series of webinars - two webinars took place relevant to the topic of mobility.

NCGE / Euroguidance Resources for Guidance Counsellors - 8th September (Tuesday) 2:00 - 3:30pm 
Here attendees were introduced to a range of newly developed, free to use resources from both NCGE and Euroguidance Ireland.

Mobility in Europe & ‘Access Europe’ Resources - 13th October (Tuesday) 2:00 - 3:30pm 
This webinar focussed exclusively on ‘mobility’ with input from the HEA, FET representatives and QQI amongst others. By the end of the session we hope that guidance counsellors would have had an overview of: 
  • The mobility opportunities available to students and where to access more information about them. 
  • The tools available to support mobility 
  • The organisations in Ireland that support mobility (working and learning throughout Europe) 
  • How to engage in a mobility experience for their own CPD

To access these recordings and presentations click HERE