
A core element of our role both nationally and in a European context, is to develop the competence of guidance professionals in areas pertaining to lifelong guidance. One of the ways we achieve this is through our participation in Academia - a European thematic study visit programme.

Academia 2022- Ireland: The Role of Guidance in Supporting Individuals to Effectively Navigate Key Transitions Across a Lifespan


This Irish exchange was the first of 13 Academia study visits taking place in Spring 2022 facilitated through the Euroguidance Network.
In Ireland we decided to offer a virtual programme, firstly in recognition of ongoing Covid restrictions and
secondly it was an opportunity for more Guidance colleagues from across Europe (and the globe) to participate in the programme, ensuring an interesting range of experiences and insights into our differing guidance practices and approaches, in a sustainable way.



More than 30 guidance colleagues from nearly 20 countries across Europe and beyond participated. We extend significant thanks to all speakers and particpants. Go raibh maith agaibh uile.

You can access the daily programmes and the contributor presentations of Day 1 and Day 2 below.



Day 1 (23rd March)

Day 2 (24th March)

Day 3 (25th March)


Presentations DAY 1


Introduction (NCGE)

WSG Approach (NCGE)

Transitions (Brilliant Pathways)


Presentations DAY 2

Introduction to AHEAD (NCGE)

Learning from Home (AHEAD)


Developing Professional Supports (NCGE)


Model of Enabling Emplyoment Guidance (Dr. Nuala Whelan)


Guidance for People with Convictions (IASIO)


Guidance Counsellor Training in Ireland (DCU)


Financial Supports (SUSI)


Programme for Enhanced Digital Learning (Trinity Access)


Trinity Access Student Outreach (Blakestown CS)


Broadening Horizons (TCPID)


Mapping Supports to the Student Life Cycle (UCD)