About Us


The Euroguidance Network is a network of national resource and information centres for guidance.
It is a co-operation of centres throughout European countries which link together the Careers Guidance systems in Europe. The main target group of Euroguidance is guidance practitioners and policy makers from both the educational and employment sectors in EU and EEA member states and in candidate countries.

The Euroguidance Centre in Ireland is hosted by the Education and Training Boards Ireland

The work of the Network is part funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and in Ireland by the Department of Education.

For a video about the Network click HERE

What are the objectives of the Network?

  • To support the development of the European dimension of lifelong guidance

  • To support competence development of guidance practitioners and raise their awareness on the value of international mobility

  • To provide information and communication on the European dimension of guidance

How does the NETWORK do this?

  • Representation of guidance at EU level meetings, conferences and events
  • Biannual Network Meetings
  • Ongoing collaboration with guidance related European stakeholders
  • Provision of programmes for practitioner competence development
  • The coordination of the ‘Academia’ practitioner exchange programme
  • Information sharing through www.euroguidance.eu and regular publications such as the Euroguidance Network Nesletter, Insight Magazine and yearly Highlights.




  • Through regular collaboration with national stakeholders (e.g. Léargas, QQI, Europass, Eurodesk, PPLI etc.)

  • By disseminating information in Ireland on international mobility opportunities

  • By developing resources to encourage education mobility, for example the Euro-Quest school programme

  • By developing CPD opportunities for Guidance Counsellors, for example Guidance Counselling for Mobility

  • By representing Ireland at meetings with the EU Commission and DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion as part of the Erasmus + Programme, 2014-2020.

  • By representing Ireland at European and International guidance relayed conferences and events, for example 'Learning by Leaving', IAEVG, ICCDPP

  • Through membership of Careers NetCedefop's network for lifelong guidance and career development

  • Through attendance at Euroguidance Network meetings and activice partifcipation in Network level 'Task Groups'

  • Through dissemination of information on www.euroguidance.ie and contribution to relevant national publications

  • By coordinating Study Visits to the Centre and through our participation in the ‘Academia’ Programme

  • Through the co-ordination of guidance provision in European Schools

  • By assisting guidance counsellors in locating suitable partners for European projects