Training in Europe

There are a number of opportunities to train in Europe.
Key information is available at:

The Euroguidance Network website provides a link to a large number of National Study-in websites.

The Study-in websites provide information on training opportunities, together with practical information about living in the country you have chosen

Our site has additional information

The Erasmus+ programme provides opportunities for learners to spend a period abroad during their training.

Apprentices or trainees in vocational training schools can undertake a period of work-based training in another participating country. Those who have completed their apprenticeship or course can also participate if their training takes place within one year of their graduation.

Many of the opportunities to undertake training abroad require that you have an understanding of the language of the host country. There are a number of free online platforms that can be used to learn a language.

Erasmus+ funded Traineeships for Graduates

Details of available traineeships are available through your HEI.

Online platforms such as aims to bring internship providers and students seeking an internship abroad together.

This project aims to improve the accessibility and quality of international internships. provides a platform where companies and organisations can publish their internship offers and search for interns, and where students seeking an internship abroad can their profiles, search and apply for internships vacancies.

For more information on traineeships, see:

EURES, the European Employment Services Network provides information, advice and recruitment/ placement (job-matching) services for EU citizens.

In Ireland EURES is co-ordinated by the European Employment Services of the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection.

EURES have a number of advisors around Ireland who will assist you with your job search abroad and provide you with information on financial assistance which may be available to help with relocation costs.

To find the nearest EURES Advisor to you, simply click on the link below. An adviser will be happy to speak with you and explain the opportunities available.

Through EURES Ireland Experience Your Europe (EYE) Initiative and the Co-Sponsored Placement Programme, many young unemployed people have found an opportunity to take up a work placement for up to 12 months abroad. It is not essential to be able to speak the language of the host country for this particular placement and there are allowances available to help you with the cost of relocation. Many who completed the placement programme, have secured full-time employment

You can read about their experiences below:

If you are over 35 years old and unemployed, the Reactivate and Relocate Initiative provides support in finding work opportunities in Europe and may provide financial assistance. Speak with your EURES adviser.