Financing your studies

This page gives an overview of some of the financial supports that may be available to students considering study abroad- including the SUSi grant, Erasmus + funding, as well as outlining country specific fee information.

If you are eligible for a grant from SUSI in Ireland, you may be eligible to retain the maintenance allowance which assists with funding accommodation, books, travel etc. if moving to study abroad.
If you wish to attend an undergraduate course outside the Republic of Ireland but within the EU, the course must meet the following conditions.

  • It is a full-time course that leads to a major education and training award, in line with the National Framework of Qualifications or equivalent.
  • It is held in a publicly funded institution.
  • It is at least two years' duration.

If the course does not meet all the above criteria, then it will not be eligible for funding.

Courses outside the EU are not eligible.

To be eligible for a maintenance grant you must have been resident in Ireland for three of the last five years.

Please see the following link for more information:

Postgraduate courses outside the Republic of Ireland are not eligible for funding, with the exception of certain approved courses in Northern Ireland. 

Please see the following link for more information:

For further information check SUSI’s website

Study abroad with Erasmus+

If you are a student, you may have a chance to do part of your studies abroad or complete a traineeship in a company through Erasmus+.

If you are interested in doing part of your studies abroad, you should first contact your own university.

When you go abroad to study via Erasmus+ :

  • you don't have to pay registration or tuition fees to your host university
  • your studies abroad count as an integral part of your degree
  • you get an EU grant towards living and travel expenses.


This a non-profit organisation organisation based in Germany. The website covers scholarships and all other types of funding that could be applied for to finance your own studies. With more than 12,000 funding opportunities and 28 filter criteria, European Funding Guide is the largest study funding portal within the EU. The project is being co-financed by the European Commission.


General notes:


Each country in Europe has its own fee policy, fees vary considerably, so it is always important to check with the Institution what fees apply. In general, tuition fees in Europe are lower than in other leading study destinations. In some countries, study programmes are free of charge!

Some countries have no tuition fees for EU students- Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden.

  • The Netherlands - The Dutch government has halved tuition fees for first-year students in higher education.
  • Czech Republic - studies in English as subject to fees but studies in the Czech language are free at public universities.
  • Poland - Full-time studies (in the Polish language) at the public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are free for EU students.
  • Estonia - some courses have no tuition fees for EU students- e.g. at Tallin University of Technology
  • Germany - there are no tuition fees in German state universities.
  • In public institutions in places such as Italy and France, fees tend to be quite low
  • Courses in the medical and health sciences fields tend to be higher in a number of countries.
  • You can see the typical tuition fees for each country by clicking on your country of interest here:
  • The cost of living in a number of countries can be relatively affordable in comparison to Ireland.
  • Many students also take on part-time work or avail of loans whilst they study to help support themselves financially.

For further information on financing your studies visit: