Studying in Europe

Why Study Abroad?

It is widely agreed that a period of study in another country has many advantages for the individual including:

  • Greater inter-cultural awareness
  • Acquisition of language skills
  • Enhanced sense of curiosity
  • Personal development
  • Greater independence
  • Personal resilience
  • Lower fees*

(*The fees in many European countries compare favourably with fees in Ireland. Many offer a wide range of courses with free or very low tuition fees)

Download the Euroguidance Ireland / Eurodesk 'Europe is Open to You' Brochure

Don’t believe us?

  • Check out the Erasmus+ Higher Education (HE) impact study 2019 'FACT SHEET' below
  • Click HERE for the full (HE) impact study results
  • Click HERE for the Léargas Impact Study: Erasmus+ International Work Placements for Vocational (FET) Learners from Ireland