Tools to help

The new Europass is now here !

The new Europass will offer tools and information for learners, workers and jobseekers across the EU to manage their careers and studies.

The NEW Europass tool will help you and your clients to take the next step in your learning or career by:

  • Simplifying the writing of CVs and Cover Letters providing editable templates;
  • Helping you to reflect on your current skills and experiences;
  • Presenting you learning and job opportunities across Europe;
  • Providing you with accurate information on working and learning in Europe;
  • Giving links to appropriate support networks

Create your free Europass Profile NOW ! 

The European Credit Transfer system (ECTS)

ECTS is a learner-centred system for European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System.

ECTS credits express the volume of learning based on defined learning outcomes and their associated workload and are expressed in full numbers.

The ECTS system is used in many European countries as a way of recognising learning achievements, qualifications and periods of learning, so it’s a really useful translation tool for learners!

  • 60 ECTS credits= 1 year of a full-time academic year
  • 120 ECT credits= 2 years of a full-time academic year
  • 180 ECTS credits= 3 year of a full-time academic year (many European bachelor’s degrees award 180 ECTS)
  • 240 ECTS credits= 4 years of a full-time academic year (many Irish bachelor’s degrees award 240 ECTS credits) 


The EQF (European Qualifications Framework: Level 1-8)

The Qualifications Frameworks - with information on the relationship between the Irish NFQ and the EQF and QF-EHEA


Naric Ireland

The certificates from overseas accepted as equivalent in Ireland can be checked by contacting NARIC Ireland at Quality and Qualifications Ireland  who provide advice on recognition of foreign qualifications in Ireland and on the recognition of Irish qualifications abroad.

The EU has clear directives about the recognition of professional qualifications in practice. The professions falling under the directive are nurses, midwifes, doctors (general practitioners and specialists), dental practitioners, pharmacists, architects and veterinary surgeons.