Student Resources

Europe is Open to You!

2022 has been designated the European Year of Youth #EYY2022, shining a particular light on building a better, greener, more inclusive future for all. To celebrate this, and to mark #EuropeDay2022Euroguidance Ireland and Eurodesk Ireland have teamed up with QQI/Europass Ireland, EURES Ireland, The HEA, the Department of Foreign Affairs, Eurodesk multiplier Crosscare and NYCI to produce this ‘Europe is Open to You’ booklet.

Whether you would like to study, work, volunteer or just explore YOUR Europe, this booklet gives you some tips, useful websites and contacts so that you can find out more about the wonderful opportunities available to you.

It is time again for you as young people to embrace all that Europe has to offer. There are lots of pathways to study, learn, work, volunteer, travel, gain valuable skills and build a successful career all at your fingertips! As citizens of the EU, it is also important that you feel equipped to take advantage of the single labour market we belong to and where possible, to seize the opportunity to represent Ireland and positively influence the future of our European Union!

This booklet aims to empower YOU to begin YOUR European journey.

Preparing your Post Primary Work Experience ‘toolkit’ using Europass

This presentation is designed as a ‘step by step’ guide to support Guidance Counsellors and their students to create and share a Europass profile, CV and Cover Letter, for the purposes of seeking work experience / employment.

Through the skills gained in this lesson, the students will be able to:

  • Produce their own professional profile and CV- highlighting their qualifications, skills, personal qualities, interests and experiences, of interest to potential employers.
  • Understand the nature and purpose of a cover letter
  • Produce an effective cover letter
  • Know how to share digitally their newly created profile, CV and cover letter with potential employers

European Schools - Entry requirements criteria for EU/EFTA Applicants

The Entry requirements criteria for EU/EFTA Applicants (2022) is available HERE
see  pg. 90-91 

This document is based on a combination of information available from international qualifications recognition databases, historical data for admissions standards for entry in the past and examination performance statistics where available.

The purpose of this document on Entry Requirements for EU students presenting with qualifications (other than the Irish School Leaving Certificate Examination) is to provide a framework for comparisons of European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) qualifications for entry to undergraduate Degree Programmes in Irish Universities.

Please Note:  
NCGE/Euroguidance Ireland recommends that students should consult the relevant institution websites directly also and consider contacting the relevant 'Admissions Office' as appropriate.

European Schools - THE 'CAO'

The Central Applications Office (CAO) centrally processes applications for entry to the first year of undergraduate courses in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the Republic of Ireland. It also issues offers to applicants, when instructed to do so by HEIs, and records acceptances. The CAO processes, on behalf of the HEIs, school-leavers presenting qualifications from other EU/EFTA countries as well as applications from Irish school-leavers presenting Leaving Certificate qualifications.

Below you will find 2 x documents that will assist you in making your application to the CAO.

The CAO system explained
This resource gives an overview of the Irish 'Central Applications Office' (CAO), the point system, a list of useful resources, timetable for events and some frequently asked questions from EB students related to applying to the CAO.

Additional CAO documentation (EU Applicants)
This resource outlines the documents generally necessary for EU applicants when applying to the CAO.

The CAO Online Handbook (2022) available HERE should also be consulted.

The additional information from the CAO below is also available HERE

  • Applying to CAO 2022 presentation
  • 2022 Dates and Tips
  • Accepting an offer versus not accepting
  • Important Dates
  • How offers are issued
  • CAO Course Choices DOs and DON'Ts
  • Statement of Application Record
  • CAO Handbook Poster


HEI contact information can be obtained from the CAO as follows: (click on heading)

HEI - General contact details
This resource gives the contact details and website details of each HEI.

HEI - Admission Officers
This resource gives the contact details of each Admissions Officer in the individual HEIs

HEI - Access Officers
This resource gives the contact details of each Access Officer in the individual HEIs.

If you have a disability or specific learning difficulty you are encouraged, though not obliged, to indicate this on your CAO application form. If you are not applying through the CAO system you are encouraged to inform the relevant institution. The purpose is solely to support access to higher education by students with a disability or specific learning difficulty.
For further information you should contact the access officer at the relevant Higher Education Institution (HEI)

European Schools - EB v Irish Leaving Certificate - Worked Examples

These documents give students and parents an insight into how the EB is evaluated in comparison to the Leaving Certificate. 
You will note that TCD (Trinity College Dublin) operate a different system to most other Higher Education Institutions.
The additional sample and FAQ document are provided by two NUI Universities (UCC and UCD).

Please also note these examples and FAQs are to be used as a guide only
The process and equivalent points allocated change annually. 
For the most up to date information see - 
Entry requirements criteria for EU/EFTA Applicants (2021) (pg 84/85) updated in November each year.

European Schools - EXEMPTIONS

This resource has been developed by NCGE Euroguidance to offer guidance and helpful resources regarding the requirements for applying for an exemption. 
Please note, these details may be updated annually. Any updates will be uploaded once published. 
It is a useful resource for student and parents to consult in advance of a guidance appointment and when conducting their own research.
It is particularly useful to S7 (and S6) students to consult in preparation for a CAO application.


This resource has been developed by NCGE / Euroguidance Ireland to introduce the concept of ‘restricted courses’ to students. 
It outlines which courses will likely have restrictions of some sorts and where further information regarding all restricted courses can be found. 
It is a useful resource for student and parents to consult in advance of a guidance appointment (if considering a course that might be restricted) and when conducting their own research.