Student Resources

European Schools - SUBJECT CHOICE

This resource has been developed by NCGE / Euroguidance Ireland to support students and parents through the process of choosing subjects/ levels, considering their implications on further study. It is a useful resource for students and parents to consult in advance of a guidance appointment and when conducting their own research.
It is particularly useful to S3, S4 and S5 students to consult in advance of selecting their final subjects and levels.

European Schools - CHOOSING A COURSE

This resource has been developed by NCGE / Euroguidance Ireland to support students and parents through the process of choosing courses. 
It includes advice and suggestions to assist the students’ research, links to helpful tools to explore, as well as outlining what students need to be mindful of when it comes to matriculation and course requirements. 
It is a useful resource for students and parents to consult in advance of a guidance appointment and when conducting their own research.

European Schools - PRESENTATION

This resource outlines the general guidelines for the Irish European Baccalaureate student applying to study in Ireland. 
It provides useful information and links for students to explore in preparation for their guidance appointment. 
It is also a useful resource for parents, enabling them to develop a better understanding of the process and available options.

How to create your Europass Profile

Europass is a set of online tools to help users communicate their skills, qualifications and experiences and manage their career in a fast-changing world.  
The new Europass offers a range of online ‘e-Portfolio’ tools and information for people of all ages, to manage their learning and career.  
Guidance Counsellors can use Europass to support students and clients to:  

  • Create a free personal profile  
  • Highlight skills, qualifications and experiences  
  • Create CVs and cover letters  
  • Explore different job and learning opportunities around Europe (in progress)  
  • Find trusted national information and contact points on working and learning in Europe  

As part of the new Europass, the Commission has also worked with 18 countries to pilot Europass Digital Credentials, which are authentic, tamper-proof digital credentials (e.g. qualifications, diplomas, certificates).  

Students who complete their Europass profile can use it as one of the criteria to achieve ‘Euro-Quest Ambassador’ status

Euroguidance Ireland have created the following short video to assist students / Guidance Counsellors through the steps required to complete their (i) profile, (ii) CV and (iii) Cover letter

You can view the video on Vimeo by clicking the 'Resource Link' below

'Guest Speakers'

This resource provides students with a list of prompt questions they can ask a range of different guest speakers, from:

  1. An Erasmus student
  2. A local University / PLC representative
  3. A local business representative to find out more about what it is like to study abroad and the benefits of internationalising their education
  • It can be used with any year group, although may be more suitable to senior cycle students
  • It can be used as part of ‘College Awareness Week’ or any other career related activity
  • It can lend itself to collaboration with teachers of languages or business
  • It can be easily used in the virtual class environment
  • It can be used to fulfil one criteria of the Euro-Quest Ambassador Programme

'Jargon Buster'

This resource is designed to assist students to become familiar with some common terms relevant to mobility before they begin to explore the various study abroad opportunities. 
This resource is more suitable to Senior Cycle students. It can be used as a ‘refresher’ for 5th years who have completed the Euro-quest programme, or for any senior cycle class before they begin researching a study abroad option.  

It can be easily used in the virtual class environment by distributing to students prior to conducting their own online research.

Preparing for an ‘Open Day’

This resource is designed to assist students in making the most of the open day/ virtual open day experience.
It equips them with tools and advice to ensure they leave informed about the opportunities available to them:

  1. In Ireland
  2. In Europe
  • It includes a list of suggested activities, prompt questions and key words to guide them through the process.  
  • It can be easily utilised in the virtual open day environment by distributing to students prior to conducting their own online research for an event. 
  • It can be used to fulfil one criteria of the Euro-Quest Ambassador Programme