European Schools - Entry requirements criteria for EU/EFTA Applicants

The Entry requirements criteria for EU/EFTA Applicants (2022) is available HERE
see  pg. 90-91

This document is based on a combination of information available from international qualifications recognition databases, historical data for admissions standards for entry in the past and examination performance statistics where available.

The purpose of this document on Entry Requirements for EU students presenting with qualifications (other than the Irish School Leaving Certificate Examination) is to provide a framework for comparisons of European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) qualifications for entry to undergraduate Degree Programmes in Irish Universities.

Please Note:  
NCGE/Euroguidance Ireland recommends that students should consult the relevant institution websites directly also and consider contacting the relevant 'Admissions Office' as appropriate.


Wednesday, September 15, 1999