'Share YOUR Journey'

This resource is designed for use during the annual 'College Awareness Week' (or a similar event). 
It provides a list of prompt questions which will enable members of the school community to:

  1. Share their career journey thus far with students
  2. Facilitate a conversation around the students’ current aspirations
  • It can be distributed to any members of teaching staff- teachers, tutors, the principal, year heads, student teachers, SNAs etc.
  • It can be used in any class, with any year group but may work best by designating one period / 30mins on a particular day of the week, inviting all classes to drop everything, put the books away and share their college journey! 
  • It can be easily used in the virtual class environment also. 
  • It can be used to fulfil one criteria of the Euro-Quest Ambassador Programme

Wednesday, August 26, 2020