Study Abroad

Europe is Open to You!

2022 has been designated the European Year of Youth #EYY2022, shining a particular light on building a better, greener, more inclusive future for all. To celebrate this, and to mark #EuropeDay2022Euroguidance Ireland and Eurodesk Ireland have teamed up with QQI/Europass Ireland, EURES Ireland, The HEA, the Department of Foreign Affairs, Eurodesk multiplier Crosscare and NYCI to produce this ‘Europe is Open to You’ booklet.

Whether you would like to study, work, volunteer or just explore YOUR Europe, this booklet gives you some tips, useful websites and contacts so that you can find out more about the wonderful opportunities available to you.

It is time again for you as young people to embrace all that Europe has to offer. There are lots of pathways to study, learn, work, volunteer, travel, gain valuable skills and build a successful career all at your fingertips! As citizens of the EU, it is also important that you feel equipped to take advantage of the single labour market we belong to and where possible, to seize the opportunity to represent Ireland and positively influence the future of our European Union!

This booklet aims to empower YOU to begin YOUR European journey.

Mobility in Europe & ‘Access Europe’ Resources

13th October 2020

This webinar focused exclusively on ‘MOBILITY’; with input from the HEA, NCGE FET, QQI, EURES, Eurodesk and Léargas.
It gave attendees an overview of:

  • The mobility opportunities available to students and where to access more information about them. 
  • The tools available to support mobility 
  • The organisations in Ireland that support mobility (working and learning throughout Europe) 
  • How to engage in a mobility experience for YOUR own CPD

You can access the accompanying presentation below and view the webinar recording on Vimeo by clicking the 'Resource Link'

How to create your Europass Profile

Europass is a set of online tools to help users communicate their skills, qualifications and experiences and manage their career in a fast-changing world.  
The new Europass offers a range of online ‘e-Portfolio’ tools and information for people of all ages, to manage their learning and career.  
Guidance Counsellors can use Europass to support students and clients to:  

  • Create a free personal profile  
  • Highlight skills, qualifications and experiences  
  • Create CVs and cover letters  
  • Explore different job and learning opportunities around Europe (in progress)  
  • Find trusted national information and contact points on working and learning in Europe  

As part of the new Europass, the Commission has also worked with 18 countries to pilot Europass Digital Credentials, which are authentic, tamper-proof digital credentials (e.g. qualifications, diplomas, certificates).  

Students who complete their Europass profile can use it as one of the criteria to achieve ‘Euro-Quest Ambassador’ status

Euroguidance Ireland have created the following short video to assist students / Guidance Counsellors through the steps required to complete their (i) profile, (ii) CV and (iii) Cover letter

You can view the video on Vimeo by clicking the 'Resource Link' below

Erasmus+ Higher Education Impact Study

This study, published in 2019, measures and analyses the impact the Erasmus+ programme has on students who undertake a learning or training period abroad through the programme, in particular the impact on individual skills enhancement, employability and a sense of shared European identity. 

You can access the study report by clicking the 'Resource Link' below

Click HERE for the Léargas Impact Study: Erasmus+ International Work Placements for Vocational (FET) Learners from Ireland.
This study examines the impact of Erasmus+ work placements on Vocational Education and Training (VET) learners from Ireland through Erasmus+ Key Action 102 mobility projects. 
102 projects provide funding to VET organisations to send their learners or staff to other countries for work-based training or job shadowing.

‘Euro-Quest’ Ambassador programme

This NEW programme provides a framework and incentive for schools to raise awareness of the value of mobility, for TY students and the whole school community. 
The programme will ideally be led by a Guidance Counsellor, in collaboration with colleagues. It involves the completion of 3  tasks:

  • The completion of the Euro-quest modules with students

  • The completion of a new Europass profile with students

  • One other task of your choice - ideas / options are provided in the INFORMATION SHEET below

All tasks can be completed in person or in the virtual classroom environment - offering flexibility at the current time!

Download the 'INFORMATION SHEET' below and click HERE to register to take part.

'Celebrate Europe' (Promote Mobility)

This resource contains 27 ideas to celebrate Europe and promote educational mobility within the whole school community. 

It flags events that can be celebrated, opportunities to explore as well as providing a range of ideas of ways that the guidance counsellor and other subject teachers.
For example MFL, history, geography, art, Gaeilge etc. can work together to raise the student’s awareness of the EU and it’s educational mobility opportunities in a fun and creative way! 

  • It can be used with any year group. Some activities are more suitable to senior cycle students.  
  • Some activities can be adapted for use in the virtual class environment also
  • It can be used to fulfil one criteria of the Euro-Quest Ambassador Programme

'Guest Speakers'

This resource provides students with a list of prompt questions they can ask a range of different guest speakers, from:

  1. An Erasmus student
  2. A local University / PLC representative
  3. A local business representative to find out more about what it is like to study abroad and the benefits of internationalising their education
  • It can be used with any year group, although may be more suitable to senior cycle students
  • It can be used as part of ‘College Awareness Week’ or any other career related activity
  • It can lend itself to collaboration with teachers of languages or business
  • It can be easily used in the virtual class environment
  • It can be used to fulfil one criteria of the Euro-Quest Ambassador Programme

'Jargon Buster'

This resource is designed to assist students to become familiar with some common terms relevant to mobility before they begin to explore the various study abroad opportunities. 
This resource is more suitable to Senior Cycle students. It can be used as a ‘refresher’ for 5th years who have completed the Euro-quest programme, or for any senior cycle class before they begin researching a study abroad option.  

It can be easily used in the virtual class environment by distributing to students prior to conducting their own online research.

Preparing for an ‘Open Day’

This resource is designed to assist students in making the most of the open day/ virtual open day experience.
It equips them with tools and advice to ensure they leave informed about the opportunities available to them:

  1. In Ireland
  2. In Europe
  • It includes a list of suggested activities, prompt questions and key words to guide them through the process.  
  • It can be easily utilised in the virtual open day environment by distributing to students prior to conducting their own online research for an event. 
  • It can be used to fulfil one criteria of the Euro-Quest Ambassador Programme

'Share YOUR Journey'

This resource is designed for use during the annual 'College Awareness Week' (or a similar event). 
It provides a list of prompt questions which will enable members of the school community to:

  1. Share their career journey thus far with students
  2. Facilitate a conversation around the students’ current aspirations
  • It can be distributed to any members of teaching staff- teachers, tutors, the principal, year heads, student teachers, SNAs etc.
  • It can be used in any class, with any year group but may work best by designating one period / 30mins on a particular day of the week, inviting all classes to drop everything, put the books away and share their college journey! 
  • It can be easily used in the virtual class environment also. 
  • It can be used to fulfil one criteria of the Euro-Quest Ambassador Programme