Working in Ireland

Preparing your Post Primary Work Experience ‘toolkit’ using Europass

This presentation is designed as a ‘step by step’ guide to support Guidance Counsellors and their students to create and share a Europass profile, CV and Cover Letter, for the purposes of seeking work experience / employment.

Through the skills gained in this lesson, the students will be able to:

  • Produce their own professional profile and CV- highlighting their qualifications, skills, personal qualities, interests and experiences, of interest to potential employers.
  • Understand the nature and purpose of a cover letter
  • Produce an effective cover letter
  • Know how to share digitally their newly created profile, CV and cover letter with potential employers

How to create your Europass Profile

Europass is a set of online tools to help users communicate their skills, qualifications and experiences and manage their career in a fast-changing world.  
The new Europass offers a range of online ‘e-Portfolio’ tools and information for people of all ages, to manage their learning and career.  
Guidance Counsellors can use Europass to support students and clients to:  

  • Create a free personal profile  
  • Highlight skills, qualifications and experiences  
  • Create CVs and cover letters  
  • Explore different job and learning opportunities around Europe (in progress)  
  • Find trusted national information and contact points on working and learning in Europe  

As part of the new Europass, the Commission has also worked with 18 countries to pilot Europass Digital Credentials, which are authentic, tamper-proof digital credentials (e.g. qualifications, diplomas, certificates).  

Students who complete their Europass profile can use it as one of the criteria to achieve ‘Euro-Quest Ambassador’ status

Euroguidance Ireland have created the following short video to assist students / Guidance Counsellors through the steps required to complete their (i) profile, (ii) CV and (iii) Cover letter

You can view the video on Vimeo by clicking the 'Resource Link' below