NCGE / Euroguidance Ireland host UNRWA Placement and Career Guidance Unit

NCGE/Euroguidance Ireland recently hosted a study visit to Ireland for members of the Placement and Career Guidance Unit (PCGU) of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). The group comprised of nine Palestinian guidance counsellors, registrars and school principals from Lebanon. Guidance counselling services for young Palestinian refugees in Lebanon is still very much in its infancy. In 2010 UNRWA Lebanon Field Office adopted a new strategy for the PCGU to provide qualitative career guidance for students at various key stages and points of transition. However, there is a shortage of guidance provision in schools and even where provision is available, Palestinian students have limited access to the service. The visiting group work in UNRWA schools in the various camps in Lebanon as guidance counsellors, registrars and school principals. The purpose of this study visit to Dublin was to allow for a sharing of policy and best practice, the learning from which would inform future guidance provision. Various presentations and workshops were delivered, from DES; NCGE; QQI; JCT (Wellbeing), DCU, TY Ireland and CareersPortal. The study visit also included site visits to a number of second-level schools; An adult education and training centre and two Universities - DCU and Maynooth University.

NCGE/Euroguidance Ireland recently hosted a study visit to Ireland for members of the Placement and Career Guidance Unit (PCGU) of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).
The group comprised of nine Palestinian guidance counsellors, registrars and school principals from Lebanon.
Guidance counselling services for young Palestinian refugees in Lebanon is still very much in its infancy. In 2010 UNRWA Lebanon Field Office adopted a new strategy for the PCGU to provide qualitative career guidance for students at various key stages and points of transition. However, there is a shortage of guidance provision in schools and even where provision is available, Palestinian students have limited access to the service.

The visiting group work in UNRWA schools in the various camps in Lebanon as guidance counsellors, registrars and school principals.
The purpose of this study visit to Dublin was to allow for a sharing of policy and best practice, the learning from which would inform future guidance provision.
Various presentations and workshops were delivered, from DES; NCGE; QQI; JCT (Wellbeing), DCU, TY Ireland and CareersPortal.
The study visit also included site visits to a number of second-level schools;
An adult education and training centre and two Universities - DCU and Maynooth University.

NCGE/Euroguidance Ireland recently hosted a study visit to Ireland for members of the Placement and Career Guidance Unit (PCGU) of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). The group comprised of nine Palestinian guidance counsellors, registrars and school principals from Lebanon. Guidance counselling services for young Palestinian refugees in Lebanon is still very much in its infancy. In 2010 UNRWA Lebanon Field Office adopted a new strategy for the PCGU to provide qualitative career guidance for students at various key stages and points of transition. However, there is a shortage of guidance provision in schools and even where provision is available, Palestinian students have limited access to the service. The visiting group work in UNRWA schools in the various camps in Lebanon as guidance counsellors, registrars and school principals. The purpose of this study visit to Dublin was to allow for a sharing of policy and best practice, the learning from which would inform future guidance provision. Various presentations and workshops were delivered, from DES; NCGE; QQI; JCT (Wellbeing), DCU, TY Ireland and CareersPortal. The study visit also included site visits to a number of second-level schools; An adult education and training centre and two Universities - DCU and Maynooth University.