National Forum on Guidance - 21st May 2018


The first meeting of the National Forum on Guidance 2018 was held on Monday 21/05/5018 in The Clock Tower, Department of Education and Skills. The theme was ‘Guidance delivery in context – exploring current and future policy and practice’. Attendees included representatives from AEGAI, NAPD, CDETB, AHEAD, DES, NPCPP, ASTI, DEASP, ACCS, HEA, SOLAS, ETBI, Ballymun Job Centre, Local Employment Support Network, Youthreach, VTOS, TUI, Careers Portal, Classroom Guidance, AONTAS, DCU, AHECS, Kingswood CC, Le Chéile Secondary School, Roscommon Community College, Westport CFE, Ballyfermot CFE, AEGS, Athlone Community Training Centre, DBS, Waterpark College, Cross and Passion College, Galway Technical Institute, KWETB, Liberties College, The Abbey School, Ormonde College and Crosscare.

Please click on the link above to see agenda. Presentations and summary report will follow soon.