Irish Reference Group for EU Initiatives in Education and Skills

The Irish Reference Group for EU Initiatives in Education and Skills launched their first publication, Education and Skills: Working Together to bring Opportunities across Europe Home to You, at the Department of Education and Skills in July 2015. The publication was launched by Mary Doyle, Deputy Secretary General, Department of Education and Skills who commented, “The publication will help us to collaborate and connect with each other to understand what's in place to disseminate information". Europass, in collaboration with the Irish ENIC-NARIC centre Qualifications Recognition, the European Qualifications Framework National Contact Point (EQFNCP), Léargas, the National Centre for Guidance in Education (NCGE), Euroguidance and the Higher Education Authority (HEA), launched the Irish Reference Group for EU Initiatives in Education and Skills in July 2014. For further information, please visit the Europass website.