Euroguidance Country Board Videos - Now available!

NCGE and Euroguidance Ireland hosted the International Euroguidance Network meeting in Dublin on 25th- 26th February, 2013 in association with the Irish Presidency of the EU Council. Euroguidance Ireland organised for each Centre to develop an illustrated representation of their own country’s experience of Evidence Based Guidance in advance of the meeting.  These were displayed throughout the week of events in association with the Irish Presidency, including the ELGPN meeting and the National Conference on Guidance. NCGE organised for these to be professionally filmed. Examples include footage of the Danish Country Board, the Austrian contribution, the Italian EG Centre and the Irish submission.

NCGE and Euroguidance Ireland hosted the International Euroguidance Network meeting in Dublin on 25th- 26th February, 2013 in association with the Irish Presidency of the EU Council. Euroguidance Ireland organised for each Centre to develop an illustrated representation of their own country’s experience of Evidence Based Guidance in advance of the meeting. These were displayed throughout the week of events in association with the Irish Presidency, including the ELGPN meeting and the National Conference on Guidance. NCGE organised for these to be professionally filmed. Examples include footage of the: Danish Country Board, the Austrian contribution, the Italian EG Centre, and the Irish submission.