CPD Online Mobility Guidance Counselling Module


***Apply now for the IGC recognised online course in Mobility Guidance Counselling.*** NCGE/Euroguidance Ireland is once again running our free online course in Mobility Guidance Counselling. The module in Mobility Guidance Counselling (MGC) will be available online from 18th April to 23rd May, 2017. To apply please visit: vle.ncge.ie Below are testimonials from guidance counsellors who completed the course: ‘’An excellent overview of a systematic approach to supporting a student before, during and after a foreign learning experience." "I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of exploration at each stage of the module and the wide range of related resources." For further information please visit the Resources section on this website.

http://www.euroguidance.ie/resources#sthash.oD3cI0H4.dpbsThe module in Mobility Guidance Counselling (MGC) will be available online from 18th April to 23rd May, 2017.


To apply please visit: vle.ncge.ie


Below are testimonials from guidance counsellors who completed the course:


‘’An excellent overview of a systematic approach to supporting a student before, during and after a foreign learning experience."



"I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of exploration at each stage of the module and the wide range of related resources."


For further information please visit the Resources section on this website.

***Apply now for the IGC recognised online course in Mobility Guidance Counselling.*** NCGE/Euroguidance Ireland is once again running our free online course in Mobility Guidance Counselling. The module in Mobility Guidance Counselling (MGC) will be available online from 18th April to 23rd May, 2017. To apply please visit: vle.ncge.ie Below are testimonials from guidance counsellors who completed the course: ‘’An excellent overview of a systematic approach to supporting a student before, during and after a foreign learning experience." "I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of exploration at each stage of the module and the wide range of related resources." For further information please visit the Resources section on this website.