Euroguidance Resources

The resources contained on this page are intended to support you and learners.

  • The most recent 10 resources uploaded are displayed below
  • Select an 'Area of Interest' and press GO to display ALL content for that area ONLY
  • If you know the title / general description of the resource you are looking for, type into the 'Keyword' search box and press GO
  • Many resources are provided in English AND Irish (GA indicates 'as Gaeilge')

If you have any queries about these resources please e-mail:

Preparing for an ‘Open Day’

This resource is designed to assist students in making the most of the open day/ virtual open day experience.
It equips them with tools and advice to ensure they leave informed about the opportunities available to them:

  1. In Ireland
  2. In Europe
  • It includes a list of suggested activities, prompt questions and key words to guide them through the process.  
  • It can be easily utilised in the virtual open day environment by distributing to students prior to conducting their own online research for an event. 
  • It can be used to fulfil one criteria of the Euro-Quest Ambassador Programme

Access Europe
Wed, 08/26/2020

Euroguidance Ireland

Student Resources, Study Abroad, Studying in Ireland
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'Jargon Buster'

This resource is designed to assist students to become familiar with some common terms relevant to mobility before they begin to explore the various study abroad opportunities. 
This resource is more suitable to Senior Cycle students. It can be used as a ‘refresher’ for 5th years who have completed the Euro-quest programme, or for any senior cycle class before they begin researching a study abroad option.  

It can be easily used in the virtual class environment by distributing to students prior to conducting their own online research.

Access Europe
Wed, 08/26/2020

Euroguidance Ireland

Student Resources, Study Abroad
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Study in Europe: Country Information Sheets

Below you will find a series of PDFs providing information on specific European Countries in relation to:

  • Overview of options 
  • Institution types
  • Available Programmes
  • Information on Fees
  • The application process
  • Important dates
  • General entry requirements
  • Links to other relevant resources for that country

Please note:
These are ‘living’ documents. 
Every effort has been made to source information from impartial sources and ensure its accuracy. However, guidance counsellors and learners are advised to always double check specific details and processes directly with the Institutions themselves.

We welcome input from Guidance Counsellors who may have country specific information that they would like to share.

For information on countries not yet listed below go HERE

Access Europe
Tue, 08/25/2020

NCGE / The Euroguidance Network

Guidance Counsellor Resources, Student Resources, Study Abroad
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Erasmus+ Higher Education Impact Study

This study, published in 2019, measures and analyses the impact the Erasmus+ programme has on students who undertake a learning or training period abroad through the programme, in particular the impact on individual skills enhancement, employability and a sense of shared European identity. 

You can access the study report by clicking the 'Resource Link' below

Click HERE for the Léargas Impact Study: Erasmus+ International Work Placements for Vocational (FET) Learners from Ireland.
This study examines the impact of Erasmus+ work placements on Vocational Education and Training (VET) learners from Ireland through Erasmus+ Key Action 102 mobility projects. 
102 projects provide funding to VET organisations to send their learners or staff to other countries for work-based training or job shadowing.

Access Europe
Fri, 08/21/2020

Publications Office of the European Union / Léargas

Guidance Counsellor Resources, Study Abroad
Resource Link

Erasmus Experience Stories

Two students, Claire and Séan, travelled to Germany and France as part of their studies and shared their experience with Euroguidance Ireland. 

You can access their Blogs and Vlogs by clicking the 'Resource Link' below.

Access Europe
Fri, 08/21/2020

Euroguidance Ireland

Guidance Counsellor Resources, Student Resources, Study Abroad
Resource Link

Applying to UK and other European Colleges

This resource focuses on study in the UK and in Europe. 
It provides the Guidance Counsellor with a powerpoint they can use and adjust/build on to present on this topic for student classes and/or parent information evenings.

Access Europe
Tue, 08/18/2020


Guidance Counsellor Resources
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International career development conference presented by DMH Associates

Watch this video and get a taster of the inaugural, International Career Development Conference 2019 hosted by DMH Associates. The footage brings to life the speakers, the delegates and the programme which focused on the themes of Identity, Innovation and Impact.  An awe-inspiring conference for anyone passionate about careers.

You can view the video on YouTube by clicking the 'Resource Link' below

Access Europe
Wed, 08/05/2020

DMH Associates

Guidance Counsellor Resources
Resource Link

Inventory of lifelong guidance systems and practices

The national lifelong guidance systems records provide information about current policy developments and structures pertaining to career guidance, career education and career development in countries of the EU, EEA, EFTA and EU enlargement/accession countries. The country records are based on information gathered and analysed by CareersNet experts during their respective mandate period. CareersNet is Cedefop’s network of independent experts in career guidance and career development, managed within the Lifelong guidance project area, Department for learning and employability.

You can find out more and access the individual 'country inventories' (including Ireland's) by clicking on 
the 'Resource Link' below

European Guidance Policy
Thu, 06/25/2020


Guidance Counsellor Resources
Resource Link

European Schools - PRESENTATION

This resource outlines the general guidelines for the Irish European Baccalaureate student applying to study in Ireland. 
It provides useful information and links for students to explore in preparation for their guidance appointment. 
It is also a useful resource for parents, enabling them to develop a better understanding of the process and available options.

European Schools Guidance Service
Thu, 09/16/1999

Euroguidance Ireland

European Schools, Student Resources
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European Schools - Entry requirements criteria for EU/EFTA Applicants

The Entry requirements criteria for EU/EFTA Applicants (2022) is available HERE
see  pg. 90-91 

This document is based on a combination of information available from international qualifications recognition databases, historical data for admissions standards for entry in the past and examination performance statistics where available.

The purpose of this document on Entry Requirements for EU students presenting with qualifications (other than the Irish School Leaving Certificate Examination) is to provide a framework for comparisons of European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) qualifications for entry to undergraduate Degree Programmes in Irish Universities.

Please Note:  
NCGE/Euroguidance Ireland recommends that students should consult the relevant institution websites directly also and consider contacting the relevant 'Admissions Office' as appropriate.

European Schools Guidance Service
Wed, 09/15/1999

Irish Universities Association (IUA) / Technological Higher Education Association of Ireland (THEA) / Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)

European Schools, Student Resources
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European Schools - THE 'CAO'

The Central Applications Office (CAO) centrally processes applications for entry to the first year of undergraduate courses in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the Republic of Ireland. It also issues offers to applicants, when instructed to do so by HEIs, and records acceptances. The CAO processes, on behalf of the HEIs, school-leavers presenting qualifications from other EU/EFTA countries as well as applications from Irish school-leavers presenting Leaving Certificate qualifications.

Below you will find 2 x documents that will assist you in making your application to the CAO.

The CAO system explained
This resource gives an overview of the Irish 'Central Applications Office' (CAO), the point system, a list of useful resources, timetable for events and some frequently asked questions from EB students related to applying to the CAO.

Additional CAO documentation (EU Applicants)
This resource outlines the documents generally necessary for EU applicants when applying to the CAO.

The CAO Online Handbook (2022) available HERE should also be consulted.

The additional information from the CAO below is also available HERE

  • Applying to CAO 2022 presentation
  • 2022 Dates and Tips
  • Accepting an offer versus not accepting
  • Important Dates
  • How offers are issued
  • CAO Course Choices DOs and DON'Ts
  • Statement of Application Record
  • CAO Handbook Poster

European Schools Guidance Service
Tue, 09/14/1999

Euroguidance Ireland / The Irish Central Applications Office (CAO)

European Schools, Student Resources
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European Schools - SUBJECT CHOICE

This resource has been developed by NCGE / Euroguidance Ireland to support students and parents through the process of choosing subjects/ levels, considering their implications on further study. It is a useful resource for students and parents to consult in advance of a guidance appointment and when conducting their own research.
It is particularly useful to S3, S4 and S5 students to consult in advance of selecting their final subjects and levels.

European Schools Guidance Service
Mon, 09/13/1999

Euroguidance Ireland

European Schools, Student Resources
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European Schools - CHOOSING A COURSE

This resource has been developed by NCGE / Euroguidance Ireland to support students and parents through the process of choosing courses. 
It includes advice and suggestions to assist the students’ research, links to helpful tools to explore, as well as outlining what students need to be mindful of when it comes to matriculation and course requirements. 
It is a useful resource for students and parents to consult in advance of a guidance appointment and when conducting their own research.

European Schools Guidance Service
Sun, 09/12/1999

Euroguidance Ireland

European Schools, Student Resources
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European Schools - EB v Irish Leaving Certificate - Worked Examples

These documents give students and parents an insight into how the EB is evaluated in comparison to the Leaving Certificate. 
You will note that TCD (Trinity College Dublin) operate a different system to most other Higher Education Institutions.
The additional sample and FAQ document are provided by two NUI Universities (UCC and UCD).

Please also note these examples and FAQs are to be used as a guide only
The process and equivalent points allocated change annually. 
For the most up to date information see - 
Entry requirements criteria for EU/EFTA Applicants (2021) (pg 84/85) updated in November each year.

European Schools Guidance Service
Sat, 09/11/1999

Trinity College Dublin (TCD) / University College Cork (UCC) / University College Dublin (UCD)

European Schools, Student Resources
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This resource has been developed by NCGE / Euroguidance Ireland to introduce the concept of ‘restricted courses’ to students. 
It outlines which courses will likely have restrictions of some sorts and where further information regarding all restricted courses can be found. 
It is a useful resource for student and parents to consult in advance of a guidance appointment (if considering a course that might be restricted) and when conducting their own research.

European Schools Guidance Service
Fri, 09/10/1999

Euroguidance Ireland

European Schools, Student Resources
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